About me

Linyuan LI (李林源), Resume (download)

Associate professor of UAV quantitative remote sensing of vegetation and applications

College of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China.

Office: Room 303, Forestry Building (林业楼); Tel: 010 – 62338133; E-mail: lilinyuan@bjfu.edu.cn

Google Scholar: [HTML] ; Researchgate: [HTML] ; Blog (李二的阳台): [HTML]

Research interests

Near-surface, UAV, and satellite remote sensing of vegetation: high-quality UAV data correction (radiometric and geometric), ultra-high-resolution retrieval of vegetation variables (or traits), multi-scale vegetation growth and disturbance monitoring and applications.


  • 2024.1 – now: Associate Professor at the College of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University.
  • 2020.9 – 2023.12: Assistant Professor at the College of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University.

Education & Training

  • 2016.9 – 2020.6: Ph.D. in Cartography and Geography Information System,  Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. (Supervisor: Prof. Guangjian Yan (阎广建) & Prof. Xihan Mu (穆西晗))
  • 2017.12 – 2019.12: joint Ph.D. student in UAV quantitative remote sensing, EMMAH, INRA, Avignon, France. (Supervisor: Dr. Frederic Baret)
  • 2014.9 – 2016.8:   M.S. in Cartography and Geography Information System,  Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. (Supervisor: Prof. Xihan Mu (穆西晗)))
  • 2010.0 – 2014.7:  B.E. in Remote Sensing Science & Technology, Chang’an University, Xi’an, China.

Professional activities

  • Young Scientist Editorial board member of Plant Phenomics.
  • Reviewers for international journals: ISPRS P&RS, IEEE TGRS, IEEE JSTARS, AFM, Remote Sensing, Forests, Drones.
  • Reviewers for Chinese journals: 地球信息科学学报 and 地理科学进展

Private interests

I like reading history books and ancient Chinese essays. Three of my favorite essays are <谏逐客书> by Si Li in the Qin Dynasty, <滕王阁序> by Bo Wang in the Tang Dynasty, and <为徐敬业讨武曌檄> by Binwang Luo in the Tang (Zhou) Dynasty. I am not a very humorous person, but I like to watch comedy (TV shows and films). Visiting ancient buildings and ruins is also involved in my interests.


李林源,北京林业大学副教授,北京师范大学博士。研究方向围绕“近地面无人机植被定量遥感与应用”,开展多模态数据高质量校正、超高分辨率植被参数反演、多尺度植被生长与干扰监测应用等方面研究。以第一/通讯作者发表高水平遥感期刊论文12篇。主持国家自然科学青年基金等3项。学术兼职Plant Phenomics青年编委。

(Edit: 2024-07-25)